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About Us
Dogs have always been an important part of our family. To us, a home without four footed family members (along with their muddy paw prints and wisps of dog hair) feels empty. About 14 years ago, we stumbled across the Hovawart while researching working dog breeds. Like many people in the United States, we had never heard of the breed. However, the more we learned about the Hovawart, the more we were intrigued. Eventually, we were lucky enough to add one hovi to our family. We've never looked back and over time, our hovi family has grown to include four Hovawarts.
Meet Our Pack

Our oldest hovi, Roxie "runs" the pack. The other three dogs naturally defer to her. Quite spry for her age, Roxie still enjoys rally obedience, nose work, and age appropriate agility exercises. Although she is spayed, Roxie has earned a number of excellent's in the altered classes at conformation events. Roxie's prized possession is her bunny, a stuffed animal that has been resewn many times over the last decade.
Grand Matriarch, 12 years old

Our first black and gold hovi, Zoe is one of Tori's daughters. Like her mother, Zoe has received multiple excellent's, earned her UKC Championship, and even a Best in Show with the HCNA. Zoe regularly attends advanced rally and obedience classes. Of all the possible rewards, Zoe absolutely loves her ball. She seems to have one hidden in every room in the house just in case she needs it!
5 year old female

The matriarch of our breeding line, Tori came to us from the French Hovawart kennel, Trois Petits Diables. Tori has a fantastic temperament and has experienced great success in the conformation ring. She is an AHC Champion, a HCNA Champion, UKC Champion, and an ARBA Grand Champion. Tori's favorite activity is playing tug with her people or with one (or more) of the other dogs.
Matriarch, 10 years old

Seemingly a duplicate of her mother Tori, Abigail has been following in her mother's footsteps in the show ring. So far, Abigail has earned her AHC Championship, UKC Championship and Best of Opposite Sex with the American Hovawart Club and the HCNA. Abigail relishes agility class as she loves to jump and is extremely fast. Abigail is also a fan of the ball, but will often take on the "challenge" of a tug-of-war game.
5 year old female
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